Over the course of 2020, we have been having some great results from our clients Facebook Ads results, and as not every campaign, as well as every business, will be the same we’ve come up with 6 rules and guidelines to stick by to give you the best chance.
1. Understand better your audience and what you're trying to achieve…
Understanding who your audience is, where and what time most likely they’ll be online, what other interests do they have, why is apparently ‘your audience’ not interested in your current ads?
These are all questions you should be asking yourself and questioning if you have been doing this long enough and looking at the analytics to really understanding where you could improve.
The next thing you need to answer before starting, is what are you really trying to achieve? Do you want engagement, direct contact, audience to buy your product? Remember as well, it’s a journey, so don’t always go for conversion, make campaigns that are meaningful and purposeful to your audience.
2. Constantly improve and track your previous performance
You are never going to experience great results from your first several ads, but you will collect data from these ads which will help target your next dozen and by using the analytics from Facebook you can try to understand their behaviour and the audience that is more active with your campaigns.
Which budget did you get the most out of? What type of content did you get the best results out off? Would different content work differently for let’s say engagement?
3. Use the right tools
Facebook ads provide you with some great tools and by diving deep into them is the only way you’ll find out. Make sure your page and ads are fully set up properly and that you would be happy to present yourself to the world.
Connect your Facebook Pixel up properly, so if you get a click-through you can track customers behaviour on the site to see where they went on your site via your ad and then how long they stayed and where they left! Understanding why they went on your site, what they wanted to read and then what made them left can be great information for creating your next ad campaign.
4. Retargeting, a good strategy
A simple one, I get a lot of clients asking me why they not receiving great success and there constantly trying new audiences and new campaigns but think about it, your not going to receive a massive following and result from your first greeting with your customer, it takes a couple more visits to make them feel at home, retarget them, keep it fresh but keep your brand identity.
5. Organic posts – avoid scheduled posts/ blog posts/ video/ imagery and less text
Simple instructions, the whole social game is going off more organic and original content, more meaningful content to the audience. Understand your social media platform, there’s a demand for videos around 1-4mins long, less text and no scheduled posts as Facebook does not like that.
6. A/B testing
Can’t figure what works best for your business – do exact time and budget but side by side have two totally different campaigns, it’s that simple and easy and you’ll see the results side by side.